From Pick Street to BetLookr: Transforming with AI and UX
The transformation from Pick Street to BetLookr emerged from the need to expand globally and gain the user experience in our prediction platform. Originally focused on the US market, Pick Street provided valuable predictions but lacked international appeal. BetLookr aims to overcome these limitations by leveraging cutting-edge AI and machine learning to deliver accurate sports predictions on a user-friendly platform.
  • My Role: UX design, UX Research
  • Process: Research, Analysis, Ideation, Prototyping, Testing
Business Goal: Expand BetLookr’s market reach globally, attract a broader audience, and establish a sustainable revenue model through subscriptions and potential affiliate partnerships.
User Goal: Offer users the highest win ratio predictions, tips, and bets, providing a user-friendly platform that gains their betting experience.
Design Goal: Develop an intuitive and engaging user interface that simplifies navigation and decision-making, incorporating advanced features like "Tip of the Week" and filtering options.
The decision to move from Pick Street to BetLookr was driven by our global aspirations. The term "pick" is predominantly used in the US sports betting scene. To appeal to a broader, international audience, we chose a name that resonates across different geographies.
The transition from Pick Street to BetLookr
  1. Platform Development
BetLookr is evolving from a simple prediction service to a comprehensive platform. This transition moves us away from platforms like Patreon, where we previously published predictions, to a dedicated data-centric dashboard. This new platform will offer the following core features.
Expanding Beyond Predictions
Core features
Target Audience and Market Expansion
Previous Approach
New Autonomous System
Our initial target audience consists of experienced bettors in the UK, with plans to expand to the US market when American football begins. By Q4 2024, we will cater to novice bettors who seek better returns on their bets, expanding our reach to more casual sports enthusiasts.
Monetization Strategy
BetLookr will initially offer free access to build an audience, transitioning to a subscription model by September or October. We may explore affiliate revenue models similar to those used by casino sites, depending on the success of our subscription strategy.
Prediction System Evolution
Previously, our prediction tool utilized five AI-based and five mathematical models to provide probabilities across 40 betting markets for 50 competitions. To refine these predictions, human-based filtering was applied, which involved creating filters based on logical criteria (e.g., a home team winning at least three out of their last five home matches). While effective, this method was time-consuming and labour-intensive.
In preparation for the new launch, our data science team developed an autonomous filtering system. This new system eliminates the need for human intervention by allowing the computer to automatically decide on filters.
User Persona
Competitor Analysis
We were looking to understand how our tool positioning compares to others in this market. We meticulously examined the websites, apps, content strategies, and social media presence of our competitors. This in-depth analysis helped us identify opportunities and understand how we could differentiate BetLookr in the market.
Here is an example of one of our competitor analyses:
Ahrefs data:
Website Desktop Mood Board
App Mood Board
Dashboard Desktop Mood Board
Dashboard Mobile Mood Board
Socials Moodboard
Website User Journey
App User Journey
Dashboard User Journey
Website UX Insigts
Dashboard UX Insigts
App UX Insights
Collection of Website / Dashboard / App User Reviews
Brand Positioning and Design
We estimated the brand positioning of our competitors and noted that most of them aimed for a sporty and premium feel. While some brands might appear inexpensive to attract specific audiences, we aimed to position BetLookr as a premium product that also retains an element of fun.
Our previous brand, Pick Street, was perceived as fun and premium but lacked a sporty look. The rebranding to BetLookr aimed to incorporate these elements, ensuring our brand stands out as both premium and sporty, appealing to a broader audience.
After Competitor Analysis
After we collected data from our competitors, we built a presentation with Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats for our stakeholders. Here is an example:
UX/UI Development
The transition from Pick Street to BetLookr involved significant changes in the UI and UX. Initially, BetLookr’s UI was limited and lacked the flexibility needed to support our new vision.
Our primary task for the MVP launch was to revamp the dashboard page by adding new features while preserving core functionalities. These core functionalities included prediction tables, top-performing markets, best odds display, and return on investment for users. Here are the major improvements:

  1. Template Limitations: The old UI had template limitations. The new UI is built on a fully customized design, supporting various formats (British, European, and American).
  2. Prediction Display: Previously, we had a single list of weekly predictions. Now, we have introduced a "Tip of the Week" feature, highlighting key predictions.
  3. Filters: The new UI includes sport and market filters, allowing users to make better decisions faster.
What else changed
Focus on Simplicity
To make a better user experience, we prioritized simplicity in the new layout. Instead of overwhelming users with data and statistics, the dashboard now features a straightforward card design. The "Tip of the Week" highlights the recommended bet, showcasing the market, win percentage, and best odds, making it easier for users to make quick decisions.
Accumulators of the Week
Below the "Tip of the Week," users will find the "Accumulators of the Week," offering a multiple approach with similar functionalities. This allows users to switch between different betting pathways, providing flexibility and variety in their betting strategies.
Low Fidelity
Pick of the week:
Weekly predictions:
Stats Pop Up:
Mid Fidelity
Mobile Navigation:
Mobile Top Nav:
Mobile - Menu Open:
Bottom Bar:
Stats Pop Up:
All Fixture:
Upgrade Plan Page:
Blog Section:
High-fidelity wireframes
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Past Predictions - Mobile
Weekly Predictions - Mobile
Past Predictions - Desktop
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Settings - Mobile
Burger Menu
The soft launch of BetLookr showcases a modern, user-friendly platform that meets the needs of both experienced and novice bettors. The improved UI/UX design, combined with the enhanced prediction system, positions BetLookr as a leading tool in the sports betting industry.
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